Certainly the attempt of an analysis on the current status, which is also not quite easy because at the moment it can not be said clearly what Trump really wants or. how free he is in his decisions actually Keyword Deep state.
As I have travelled many times to the USSR / RF, it seems to me that the author has not yet sufficiently dealt with the Russian soul or mentality. This is a general problem.
The core of RF especially the big cities St.Petersburg and Moscow are 100% behind the RF government. One should not always speak of Putin, nor should one always only speak of Trump, it is the respective government apparatus and the forces behind it.
Selensky has not yet revoked his decree of 2022 "Prohibition of negotiations with RF", so his statements we could enter into negotiations are doubtful.
The USA is not giving up the latest technology for nothing, nor are the Europeans.
You know, we former GDR citizens have learned to read and listen between the lines and this often seems to me as the great advantage that I hear from former West German colleagues and friends.
The whole sanction policy has not brought, it only damaged the Europeans, especially Germany.
The deindustrialization of Europe, especially Germany, is making massive progress and playing Trump or the USA into its cards. That’s why Trump may not really have an interest in ending the conflict.
One should also be honest, which in the article also claimed, how much of the billions of dollars really went to Ukraine and not into the coffers of the defense corporations.
Finally, one should open a simple calculation, when are the human reserves of Ukraine so exhausted that further resistance is pointless? In contrast, what it looks like in RF.
Russians will never give up MOTHER RUSSIA.
They have something in common with the US Americans and their star banner.
As to Ukraine's human reserves, the most pessimistic estimates add up to no less than six million males of military age. Manpower exhaustion does not look like a relevant variable in the equation any time soon.
When you read the number 6 million, it sounds like a lot, but we know from history that it means little. Because what one omits in the arithmetic of one number is the fact that these 6 million cannot stand on the front line. From my time in the security apparatus I know that the relationship with a man at the front to 3-4 in the hinterland requires. These figures can of course vary and today, about 50 years later, they are no longer up to date because IT has now made its way into the market, but this does not mean much at all.
The lowest figure I've found online for Ukraine population by 2024 is 32 million people, approximately a quarter of which (8 M) are military-aged males. To ensure the very most pessimistic scenario, I've lowered it to 6 M. Accepting your proposed ratio (which I won't discuss, for I am no expert) of 1 male "able to stand on the front line" out of 4 "theoretically available", that makes no less than 1.5 million potential conscripts in the hinterland. Given that the Ukrainian army has been able to stand three years of war with losses presumably no higher than 1.5 million combatants, this means that they quite likely still have enough manpower to stand another three years. So, it seems to me that human reserves exhaustion does not pose any serious problem for the Kiev regime for the upcoming three years.
But I'm always glad of being corrected. So, I welcome any better calculations than mine.
As I said, I have not been working in security for many years, so I do not consider myself an expert. Too much has happened in the meantime.
I don’t want to correct you, because I am here to expand my range in exchange with others.
Sure, Ukraine could fight for 3 years more, as you are entitled to do the calculation. 2 generations are missing and as a result the society suffers serious damage permanently. Then I come to the consideration is that the purpose of the West? the Ukraine "depopulated" so that minerals can be extracted without environmental requirements 2.a landfill is created without high costs or 3.we should not forget that there is the city of Ternopil, a Jewish pilgrimage site until the middle of the 20th. century was home to many Jewish, Polish and German residents. Since Israel is bursting at the seams, this is obviously a consideration that has existed for a little longer and offers itself for the settlement of an Israel 2.0. If you follow these considerations, you come to unexpected "insights", it is always claimed that Putin belongs to the "game". I leave it there, because even for me this realization is terrible: People are being sacrificed here, for what?
Well, that's the million dollars question: What's the purpose of the West? More ambitiously, what's the purpose of the world puppetmasters? Your conjectures are all valid, imho, but there are more possibilities: 4. Keep selling weapons. 5. Getting rid of Slavs (Rolo would surely subscribe this one). 6. Overall destabilization. 7. Gaining time until the next 'pandemic' is ready to roll... You name it! Only God knows what the global elites have in mind. I'm utterly pessimistic. The elites do not care much for human sacrifices.
I think you should not be pessimistic, as it is said so nicely who stops fighting has already lost. Or as I have made it to myself or have taken over: one may fall, but then stand up crown and go on. One thing you can believe me, as a "grown-up GDR citizen" I have often "fallen" after 1990. It was worse than the "wild west" with couboy and indians, but I never let myself be. What Germany is experiencing today is often described by many in ignorance as GDR 2.0 - this is not true at all.
But I don’t want to bore you and wish you and your loved ones that despite everything the sun always shines. Only if we do not give up on ourselves, we live.
Trump says so much that's self-conflictory, that some of it has to sound true, but that doesn't mean he is. If he's positioned for a no-deal then someone else is motivating him. Ukraine is a fantastic profit maker and military testing ground for the USA. It'll end its role in the war when it believes there's more profit to be made from 'peace'. PS: Russia on the move the past 24hrs.
Certainly the attempt of an analysis on the current status, which is also not quite easy because at the moment it can not be said clearly what Trump really wants or. how free he is in his decisions actually Keyword Deep state.
As I have travelled many times to the USSR / RF, it seems to me that the author has not yet sufficiently dealt with the Russian soul or mentality. This is a general problem.
The core of RF especially the big cities St.Petersburg and Moscow are 100% behind the RF government. One should not always speak of Putin, nor should one always only speak of Trump, it is the respective government apparatus and the forces behind it.
Selensky has not yet revoked his decree of 2022 "Prohibition of negotiations with RF", so his statements we could enter into negotiations are doubtful.
The USA is not giving up the latest technology for nothing, nor are the Europeans.
You know, we former GDR citizens have learned to read and listen between the lines and this often seems to me as the great advantage that I hear from former West German colleagues and friends.
The whole sanction policy has not brought, it only damaged the Europeans, especially Germany.
The deindustrialization of Europe, especially Germany, is making massive progress and playing Trump or the USA into its cards. That’s why Trump may not really have an interest in ending the conflict.
One should also be honest, which in the article also claimed, how much of the billions of dollars really went to Ukraine and not into the coffers of the defense corporations.
Finally, one should open a simple calculation, when are the human reserves of Ukraine so exhausted that further resistance is pointless? In contrast, what it looks like in RF.
Russians will never give up MOTHER RUSSIA.
They have something in common with the US Americans and their star banner.
Do you look for this context in Europeans?
As to Ukraine's human reserves, the most pessimistic estimates add up to no less than six million males of military age. Manpower exhaustion does not look like a relevant variable in the equation any time soon.
When you read the number 6 million, it sounds like a lot, but we know from history that it means little. Because what one omits in the arithmetic of one number is the fact that these 6 million cannot stand on the front line. From my time in the security apparatus I know that the relationship with a man at the front to 3-4 in the hinterland requires. These figures can of course vary and today, about 50 years later, they are no longer up to date because IT has now made its way into the market, but this does not mean much at all.
What do you think about this?
The lowest figure I've found online for Ukraine population by 2024 is 32 million people, approximately a quarter of which (8 M) are military-aged males. To ensure the very most pessimistic scenario, I've lowered it to 6 M. Accepting your proposed ratio (which I won't discuss, for I am no expert) of 1 male "able to stand on the front line" out of 4 "theoretically available", that makes no less than 1.5 million potential conscripts in the hinterland. Given that the Ukrainian army has been able to stand three years of war with losses presumably no higher than 1.5 million combatants, this means that they quite likely still have enough manpower to stand another three years. So, it seems to me that human reserves exhaustion does not pose any serious problem for the Kiev regime for the upcoming three years.
But I'm always glad of being corrected. So, I welcome any better calculations than mine.
As I said, I have not been working in security for many years, so I do not consider myself an expert. Too much has happened in the meantime.
I don’t want to correct you, because I am here to expand my range in exchange with others.
Sure, Ukraine could fight for 3 years more, as you are entitled to do the calculation. 2 generations are missing and as a result the society suffers serious damage permanently. Then I come to the consideration is that the purpose of the West? the Ukraine "depopulated" so that minerals can be extracted without environmental requirements 2.a landfill is created without high costs or 3.we should not forget that there is the city of Ternopil, a Jewish pilgrimage site until the middle of the 20th. century was home to many Jewish, Polish and German residents. Since Israel is bursting at the seams, this is obviously a consideration that has existed for a little longer and offers itself for the settlement of an Israel 2.0. If you follow these considerations, you come to unexpected "insights", it is always claimed that Putin belongs to the "game". I leave it there, because even for me this realization is terrible: People are being sacrificed here, for what?
Well, that's the million dollars question: What's the purpose of the West? More ambitiously, what's the purpose of the world puppetmasters? Your conjectures are all valid, imho, but there are more possibilities: 4. Keep selling weapons. 5. Getting rid of Slavs (Rolo would surely subscribe this one). 6. Overall destabilization. 7. Gaining time until the next 'pandemic' is ready to roll... You name it! Only God knows what the global elites have in mind. I'm utterly pessimistic. The elites do not care much for human sacrifices.
I think you should not be pessimistic, as it is said so nicely who stops fighting has already lost. Or as I have made it to myself or have taken over: one may fall, but then stand up crown and go on. One thing you can believe me, as a "grown-up GDR citizen" I have often "fallen" after 1990. It was worse than the "wild west" with couboy and indians, but I never let myself be. What Germany is experiencing today is often described by many in ignorance as GDR 2.0 - this is not true at all.
But I don’t want to bore you and wish you and your loved ones that despite everything the sun always shines. Only if we do not give up on ourselves, we live.
Trump says so much that's self-conflictory, that some of it has to sound true, but that doesn't mean he is. If he's positioned for a no-deal then someone else is motivating him. Ukraine is a fantastic profit maker and military testing ground for the USA. It'll end its role in the war when it believes there's more profit to be made from 'peace'. PS: Russia on the move the past 24hrs.